Ткань Оксфорд 210T

Состав: 100% полиэстер
Пропитка: PU 1000 + WR.
Плотность: 95 г/м2

Oxford 210T

Оксфорд выделяется особым видом плетения под названием «рогожка», придающее ткани однородную структуру и блеск.
Сочетание ткацкого плетения и синтетической нити обеспечивают высокую надежность готового изделия. Для увеличения прочности материи, при производственном процессе нить уток делают толще, чем основу.
Материал выпускается разной плотности, что объясняет широкую сферу его применения: от обычной одежды до обуви и спецснаряжения.
Ткани имеют водоотталкивающие пропитку и водонепроницаемое полиуретановое покрытие , они выдерживают 1000мм столб воды без промокания..
Используют для производства верхней и спецодежды (куртки, комбинезоны), одежды и снаряжения, различного назначения.

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Rauta Company is a leading modern supplier of textile products in Russia. The main specialization of the activity is the supply of fabrics for the production of furniture and outerwear. The company was founded in 1992, and, from this period to the present day, our specialists have been able to achieve high results and enter into partnership agreements with numerous foreign companies located in Poland, China and India. In addition, highly qualified specialists of the company provide careful quality control of products, which ensures the provision of light industry enterprises with products of only the highest level.

About company

A wide range of our products includes:
  • fabrics for the production of quality outerwear;
  • furniture fabrics of various colors and textures;
  • artificial skin;
  • related products.
The high quality of Rauta’s products is confirmed by numerous diplomas and awards that she received at international textile exhibitions. This is what made it possible for our specialists to conclude profitable contracts with partners, to supply them with a large assortment of goods, satisfying even the most demanding client’s requests. Many years of experience working with a wide variety of partners, the high quality of manufactured fabrics and the ability to work to order make Rauta an expert in the field of textile production.
Address: NS. Revolution, 69B, St. Petersburg, Russia (sh. Revolyutsii, 69B, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia)

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